Breakfast and Smoothie Bowls Benefits 

Healthy skin comes from a healthy body. You most likely know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but you still might have reasons to skip breakfast, like being late or thinking that skipping it might make you lose some extra pounds. You are not alone on that, most of us are guilty. The National Health Service states that “Eating breakfast has long term health benefits. It can reduce obesity, high blood pressure, heart diseases and diabetes.”

Click here to read 10 healthy smoothie bowel recipes!

Here is why breakfast is important to our body:

Increase your energy level

Your body’s energy level is inadequate after fasting overnight during sleep. Breakfast provides the fuel to the brain and the body to fight fatigue, kickstart your metabolism and function properly throughout the day.

Intake of Essential Nutrients

A healthy breakfast gives your body an opportunity to consume essential vitamins and minerals that are required for the proper growth and maintenance of the body, strength of bones, immune system, and proper carbohydrate and protein metabolism. 

Improved Concentration

Having a healthy breakfast helps to keep the body alert and productive throughout the day.  Breakfast can help you be more physically active, increase your focus, whether at work or school. It improves concentration, coordination, creativity and problem-solving skills.

Maintains a Healthy Weight

A common misconception in people includes the loss of weight by skipping breakfast. However, you might eat unhealthy snacks all day long, a heavy lunch and even be in a  bad mood that will certainly be unpleasant. Breakfast can boost your metabolism, prevent you from eating during the day, stabilize your blood sugar levels and curb your cravings. Moreover, adding fiber into your breakfast will keep your stomach full for longer, preventing you from consuming unnecessary extra calories during the day.

It’s a Foundation of a Healthy Diet

Those who prefer a healthy breakfast are more likely to have a healthy diet overall. Skipping your breakfast deprives the body of essential nutrients. Eating breakfast provides you with essential nutrients including calcium, vitamin C and D, iron, and fiber since most breakfasts consist of vegetables, fruits, and milk. Not having a proper breakfast might result in insufficient intake of minerals as required by the body.

It is important to establish a good habit of breakfast from a young age so you can maintain it throughout adolescence. 

Smoothie bowls are great for breakfast, they are full of nutrients and very easy to make. A smoothie bowl provides you all the basic nutrients that are required to start off a good day. A balanced one consists of greens, fruits, proteins and healthy fats. Being rich in fiber and vitamins, a smoothie bowl is not only easy to make but it also gives the important nutrients needed by the body, which are often missed when skipping breakfast. It keeps your stomach filled for a long time.

There is no doubt having a healthy breakfast everyday is very important for your body in order to have healthy skin. Click here to read the 10 Epic Smoothie Bowl Recipes!