Christmas is quickly approaching. I don’t know about you, but our schedule seems packed and our list of things to accomplish keeps growing. Traditions surrounding giving gifts to loved ones can be thrilling and entertaining, but they can also be stressful since we want to make sure we give them the finest present possible. You’ll…

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Benefits of Retinol to Your Skin

The majority of skincare enthusiasts have heard of retinol, but few are aware of its precise functions. The retinoid family includes multiple members, including retinol. Retinoids, which are substances derived from vitamin A, can have many various forms. Here’s a quick guide on what retinol is and what it can do to your skin. What…

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How to Be Summer Ready the Invigorate Spa Way

Can you feel the hot winds blowing already? That’s probably because we’re now approaching the summer season. And what’s summer without the beach, right? So we’ve compiled some tips that will make you summer-ready.  1. Never forget the SPF and sunscreen (even if you’re not at the beach!) We’ve said this a hundred times. Always…

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Things You Can Start Doing to Love Yourself

Since we are still in the “Love Month”, here’s a reminder that self-care is an important part of self-love. Here are some things that you can start doing to love yourself and start caring for your body, mind, and heart. 1. Overcome negative beliefs about yourself.  Many people have trouble letting go of negative thoughts…

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Beauty and Skin Care Myths – Busted!

Fact or fake? Let’s bust some skin care and beauty myths with Gail, your best friend in beauty. 1. “You don’t need to put on sunscreen when it’s cloudy. You only need to wear it on the beach.” BUSTED! This is one of the usual myths that we always hear. You should wear sunscreen every…

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Skin Care and Health Habits to Change This 2021

It is the time of the year where most people create a list of things that they want to change for the new year. However, most of the time, these changes don’t hit reality. According to a psychological study, 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. Statistic Brain backs this up by revealing…

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